Bugle for Winter 2017 just published

The winter edition of the Bugle contains articles on recent donations to our museum, a boy scout project for the Daniels Cemetery as well as articles on the Erie Canal and World War I.  Also a Polish cookie recipe for Christmas coutesy of John Wasnock.

Click on this Newsletter link.

Past issues of the newsletter are always available on the Newsletter page in the menu.

Eight Miracles that Saved America

November 30, 2017

Eight Miracles that Saved America

 History is full of stories of coincidences, unusual twists and turns which lead one to speculate. Did those events happen purely by chance? Or were they miracles? Do miracles really happen?

Lee Simonson explored eight particular events that occurred between 1755 and 1942. Each of these events was a crucial flash point in America’s creation and survival. Lee presented the evidence and left it to us to consider if these occurrences were truly miraculous or pure blind luck.

Mr. Simonson, who served as a Niagara County Legislator for 32 years is a former President of the Historical Association of Lewiston and was recognized as Lewiston’s Citizen of the Year in 2014. He has been involved with the Tuscarora Heroes Monument project, the Freedom Crossing Movement and the Battle of Queenston Heights reenactment in Ontario.