Historical Society Calendars 2022

The 2022 Medina Historical Society Calendar is on sale at the English Rose Tea shop on Main St. 
Many great pictures and articles and they make a great gift for present and past residents. 
The price is $15.00 and all proceeds go to the upkeep of the Museum and it’s artifacts.   

“Conquering Polio with a Vaccine”

The Medina Historical Society continues its series of programs with a timely exploration of a time when a virus that caused serious illness terrified families. Many adults still remember being isolated as children, not allowed to play with friends or swim during the summer in fear of this paralyzing disease.

“Conquering Polio with a Vaccine” will be presented by Joan Wanecski on Monday, October 25 at 7:00 p.m. at Lee-Whedon Memorial Library.

Calendar Fundraiser Project

The Medina Historical Society is looking for a bit of monetary help from its members. As with many other organizations, COVID forced the Society to
close its museum and cancel its planned fundraisers.

But, operating expenses didn’t stop: utilities, repairs, etc. That left the organization with a significant budget deficit for the past fiscal year. So the Historical Society is promoting a Community Calendar Fundraiser as a way to erase that deficit.

Your family’s birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and memorial dates can be part of a community calendar to be printed in time for the upcoming holidays!

You will find more details in the application form below:

Calendar Fundraiser

“Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Orphan Trains” video presentation

Presentation on September 27, 2021

Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Orphan Trains” is a unique online hybrid presentation presented by local history author, Michael Keene. The program explores the audacious relocation scheme which operated between 1854 and 1929, when an estimated 250,000 orphaned or abandoned children were transported west by train and placed in foster homes, mostly in rural mid-western areas, though there were several local placements. The premise now seems incredible, but it developed in response to a crisis in care for homeless children.  Their stories are incredibly haunting and poignant.

You can watch the video on youTube. Click here.

The Medina Historical Society is pleased to announce a return to hosting programs of historical interest.

The first program is scheduled for Monday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at Lee-Whedon Memorial Library, 620 West Ave., Medina, NY

“Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Orphan Trains” is a unique online hybrid presentation presented by local history author, Michael Keene. The program explores the audacious relocation scheme which operated between 1854 and 1929, when an estimated 250,000 orphaned or abandoned children were transported west by train and placed in foster homes, mostly in rural mid-western areas, though there were several local placements. The premise now seems incredible, but it developed in response to a crisis in care for homeless children.  Their stories are incredibly haunting and poignant.

Facemasks will be required and appropriate Covid precautions will be observed.

April 2021 Bugle


“Life on the Erie Canal 1884-1905”
A first person account by Mrs. Ross Arnett

Our version of the Canal is so anesthetized.

Do you sometimes wonder about the sight and smells.

Dead mules floating in the water. Mule dung on the towpath.

Cooking smells from the canal boats: coffee, frying, baking.

Sounds of children playing, tug-boaters calling.

Laundry drying on deck.

A far cry from today’s sleek boats and manicured boaters.”

Open the April 2021 Newsletter